Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Letter #88

Hello Hello!

Well this has been another fantastic week! We have been so blessed! Because of recent weather conditions, and our chapel getting new carpet, we have not had a chance to meet with many of the people that we had planned on. But I no matter how hard the days are heavenly father always find some way of making the work fun, or making us happy. He takes care of his missionaries so well. One of our rough days this last week, we had three separate individuals give us food! I have realized most of my biggest miracles on my mission involve food! Every time that we are getting close to the end of the month, and don’t have a lot of money heavenly father always provides some way for us to get food.
Despite the weather conditions, Brother Zhang still continued to meet with us. I must say, I have been so amazed by the faith of Brother Zhang. We taught him the word of wisdom this last week and found out that he had a very serious smoking problem. I shouldn’t say we found out, it was pretty obvious from the start. He would usually have to take a few "breaks" outside each time that he attended church. When we shared with him this commandment, he told us that he would usually smoke a pack or more per day. A pack of cigarettes will usually include some where around 20 cigarettes. He told us he had tried to quit many times, but had not had any success! But this time he really feels like he can do it.
We gave him a priesthood blessing to help start this challenging task. The spirit was so strong, after the blessing we all just seemed to know that he would be able to do it with no problem. The next day was Sunday, and he came to church. As soon as he walked in to door, we knew that something was wrong with him. He was sweating profusely, shaking, and his skin color appeared to be green. He told us that he had not smoked from the time that we gave him a blessing, and he was having a hard time. Luckily we had prepared a little present for him. We took one of his old boxes of cigarettes that was empty and filled it with scriptures. We even rolled up little pieces of paper and colored the tip yellow, then placed the scripture references inside of the hollow paper tube. So every time that he wanted to smoke he could pull out one the scriptures and read.
Yesterday, he came and met with us again. When he walked into the room, we could already see a change that had taken place. The green countenance had turned into a glow. Even the tone of his voice seemed to have changed. He pulled out his book of Mormon, and we were very surprised to see that he had almost read all of the scriptures we had given him. He bore his testimony to us of how the book of Mormon purely testifies of Christ. He only smoked one cigarette yesterday, and is planning on not smoking again. The book of Mormon is amazing. It really does have power to change people’s lives. Zhang is such a great example.
Street contacting this last week, I met an amazing person. I was very hesitant to contact him in Chinese because his skin was white. But, I noticed that many of his features, and actions resembled a Chinese person, so I decided to give it a try. It turns out he was Chinese, but due to a skin disease his skin and his hair turned completely white. As I talked to him for a little bit, he shared with me his life story. I have never heard such a sad one my whole entire life.
He is originally from Taiwan, but moved to Indonesia at a young age for work reasons. In Indonesia, he met his wife, had a great job as a college professor, and was making quite a bit of money. Everything in his life was going perfect. But then a mob came into one of the stores that he owned set it on fire, and took the life of his wife that was 4 months pregnant. They also injured him very badly. His chin was cut, and he was severely stabbed on his arms. I had no idea that life in Indonesia was so dangerous. Long story short, he came to America because life in Indonesia only made him think of this tragedy. His life in America has been no walk in the park. All of his money is gone, and he has nobody here to support him. He showed me a picture of him and his wife, and he used to look normal. With dark skin and dark hair. But he said that because of depression his skin and hair color has changed. I tried my best to share with him the plan of salvation, and assure him that he would see his family again. He grew quiet for a few moments, and then asked if I had a pamphlet that he could read. I gave him one, we said a quick prayer, and he was on his way.
Yesterday we ran into him again. He told us that he read the pamphlet and it brought him great comfort. He said the day that I ran into him was the exact day that his wives life was taken. The spirit was so strong. Unfortunately he had to get going very fast, and was leaving for Philly. He has no cell phone, or way we can contact him. But he said he would be back in a few weeks, and he would contact us. I believe that he will. I am so grateful that I could that information with him. I really hope it will help him.
Well I have got to get going. But thank you so much for all of the love and support! I love hearing from all of you!
Elder Barton

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