Monday, July 11, 2011

Letter #44

Family and Friends!

I can honestly say, I think this was the best week that I have had on my mission so far. Words are hard to describe some of the things that have happened. Well, to start off it, was stressful; I am not going to lie. Everything from trying to find my way around this area and trying to fill the place that elder boekweg had in this ward. He was here for 9 months so he was very close with a lot of our members. I was nervous starting out. I had no idea how I was going to do it. And on top of that, finding lately has not been going so well. We still have Matilda with the bap date and Jing Han that are doing really well but both of them are out of town this week! I was feeling quite a bit of pressure! But this week ended up being awesome! We found a lot of new people to teach that are extremely prepared and I have never felt closer to the spirit my whole life.
A lot of things that happened were just small but they felt huge to me. We were helping this new family move into the ward (the man invented the missionary name tag, which I thought was pretty cool!) but anyways they said they wanted to follow me to this new house they were moving into. I had been there before because a member used to live there. They told me to make sure I didn’t go under any small bridges because the Uhaul was so big. I said ok and didn’t think there would be any in the way I had planned to go. Well, as I was leading them to their new house, I took a wrong turn. Nothing to hard to correct. But on the way home took the way that I had planned on going, realizing that we would have gone under an extremely small bridge!
I was also on a split this week with a Spanish elder in my district. We decided we would get out of Danbury and go try tracting in a place called Carmel. It was about a thirty-minute drive to get to this place. We got there and began to tract. We tracted for about ten minutes, then I looked over at my comp and asked him what he was feeling. He said, I am not feeling to good man. I had the exact same feeling. I had such a sick feeling in the bottom of my stomach, I felt like I was going to throw up. We got in the car and drove all the way back to Danbury. Who knows what would have happened but there was no reason for us to find out. 
Me and elder Dees one day decided that we would walk instead of drive to save miles on our car. (We have a certain number of miles given to us each month.) We ended up walking down this street that we would have never even thought about going down before. It was small and did not even look like there were people home in most of the houses. Turns out, the first two houses that we knocked, let us in to teach a lesson. Both of them were so cool! Blake was a skater kid that had just graduated high school. He had a mow hawk and the whole deal! He received the lesson really well! We had several opportunities to teach random people that we had found this week! We found so many great new investigators this week! A personal record since I have been here!
We also had opportunities to use our priesthood authority! This is something that I have not had an opportunity to do yet on my mission. Coming from china town, the branch was so small, and I don’t know how well the members even understood we could give blessings. The first lady was a sister of a man in our ward. She was not a member and did not speak English. She was from India! She just had a horrible brain tumor removed, which paralyzed the right side of her body.. She could move one of her arms and nod her head if she understood, that was about it. After we gave her the blessing, we knew that she understood, because of a small tear running down the side of her face. The spirit was so strong in that room! We also had an opportunity to give a blessing to a less active mom, who used to be extremely active. She was just visiting for the weekend when she started to have some internal bleeding. She was the nicest lady!!! When we walked in and asked her how she was she said "I am finer then a frogs hair!" very energetically! I left my scriptures in her room, so I had to come back the next day to pick them up. (Yes I still forget things all of the time!) But when we came back to see her, she had made a miraculous recovery! She was getting ready to leave the hospital! We were very happy to hear that!
Our mission president also gave us the okay to go into the fair! The fair in Danbury is a big deal! Not much goes on here! But we were able to go inside and set up a table with a poster and pamphlets! I can’t even tell you how effective this was for the whole district! We talked to a lot of people! We had the Spanish, and Portugees speaking missionaries from our district as well, which was great! The reason the fair allowed us to go in was because the man in charge of the fair that we talked to was an inactive member. His family left the church when he was only a deacon. He let us do it for free and gave us a whole tent! It was incredible! I played pool with a man working in the carnival to get a lesson out of it! It turns out he was a free mason! We had a really cool conversation and placed a book of Mormon! The Spanish elders also ran into that Chinese guy I met my first week here. He said he still really wanted to learn about our church but had just been so busy! We went over to his house that night and were able to share the first lesson! 
This week was amazing! There is still so much that I have not even typed! My testimony grew even more this week that the church is true, god is always preparing people to hear the gospel, and he knows each of us individually. I can’t tell you what an answer this week has been to my prayers and my efforts. I will be looking back on this week the rest of my life when I am having a hard time. I really felt like things just clicked together for me.
Well, I hope that you are all having a great week and enjoying this great summer weather!!! I know that I am! Talk to you all next week!
Elder Barton

Letter #43

Good afternoon boys and girls!

So this week has been pretty intense, I am not going to lie! To start things off, I got a new companion! His name is elder Dees and he is so funny! He makes me laugh all day. He is from Washington State but is Fijian. He has been teaching me Fijian and I am teaching him Chinese. Pretty good trade off if you ask me! This week has been awesome; we have been trying really hard to come up with new ideas for finding investigators. So far we have made a huge poster board comparing the book of Mormon and the bible side by side! It is not finished yet but it is looking pretty good. We always used a poster in china town and it seemed to work pretty well so we figured hey, why not give it a shot. We also want to do a combined Newtown and Danbury ward movie night once a month, strictly for investigators and members with friends. We really want to start getting our members involved more with our missionary work. We are also going to make a sign up sheet for them to come and help us teach lessons. The longer I have been here, I have realized how bad we need the members! In this area it is through them that anything is going to happen. I am not used to it at all because in china town, everything was purely done through missionary efforts.
Our investigators are doing really well! Matilda set a baptismal date for the 24 of July! We are so excited! We are so blessed to have this opportunity to work with her, she is incredible. She wants to follow Jesus Christ more than anyone that I know. Our last lesson was really cool with her. When we first came in there was a feeling that something was different. As we started to talk she seemed quieter and her countenance was changed. So we decided to go back to the things we had talked about previously. Finally we found the problem! She did not understand what the book of Mormon was! She thought that it was a part two of the bible, it was all about Jesus Christ’s ministry continued.. Then she was very confused when she cracked it open and was reading a storey about Nephi! But after we helped her understand that Christ’s actual ministry was only a small part of the book of Mormon and the rest was other prophets starting after Jeremiah, she was much more interested! I am so happy we did not just move on with out trying to see what was wrong. The message of the plan of salvation made her very happy, she thought it made perfect sense! She said that if the book of Mormon were true she would be baptized!!
I was threatened this week by a large man with a bb gun... that was interesting. We did a ton of tracting this week and to be honest, did not have that much success! This is always a rough feeling for a missionary to have but all of the good moments we have destroy the bad ones. Our Chinese investigator is still out of town, she will be back on the 15th and I am very excited! We heard from the other missionaries that know one of her friends, she has been really enjoying meeting with us! That is a good thing to know! Her daughter called me this week because she was having a bad day. I guess she has been really stressed out with her mom not home. I am excited for her to get home! We also met another Chinese guy that wants to go with me and my companion to eat Korean food! The only problem is that he can’t drive and we can’t drive investigators, so I have to try to find a member that speaks Chinese to help us out. I am sure we will be able to find one!
Well guys, I hope you are having a great week! Thanks for all of the love and support! I know I say that every week and it is not just because my hands have gotten in the habit of saying it! I really mean it!
Elder Barton