Thursday, August 9, 2012

Letter #100 My Mission Experience

My Mission Experience

I can still remember sitting in my second grade desk, and at the request of my teacher pondering where I would go if I could go any where in the world. After much thought I thought of the perfect place. I pulled the plastic cover off my newly purchased Corolla water paints, and began to paint what I thought was the best thing since the Mona Lisa. Me standing on a beach in Kobe Japan. Gripped tightly in my hand was a copy of the Book of Mormon, and resting on the pocket of my freshly pressed white dress shirt was a black name tag which read the name Elder Barton. With my tiny hands and some of my face covered in water color, I went home to present my beautiful piece of art work to my father.
I can not remember my fathers exact response. But, I would imagine as he looked at the picture of his son dressed in missionary apparel and standing in the place where he served his mission, he was very touched. Due to the example of my father and many other great priesthood leaders that I have had growing up, a mission has always been something that I have wanted to do. I don’t know that I fully understood the spiritual side of a mission, but I was always very attracted to the adventure. I was so excited when I received my mission call! I had never been to the east coast before, and my mouth had never uttered a single word of Mandarin Chinese my whole entire life. This was the adventure that I looked forward to my whole entire life, and I did not want to waste a single moment of it.
The first day that I entered the MTC, the importance and seriousness of my calling as a missionary hit me pretty hard. I will never forget the first time singing called to serve with a bunch of  well dressed young adults preparing to take the gospel to different places in the world. After which  the MTC president got up and delivered a beautiful welcoming speech. All though I can not remember every word that he said, I can remember the feelings that I had. My stomach tied into a knot. I felt like an apple was lodged into my throat as I realized the great responsibility associated with my call to spread the gospel. This feeling of anxiety was magnified by a million the first time that I attended a Mandarin Chinese lesson. Everyone in my MTC district had Chinese experience. They were all capable of holding a basic conversation. I felt very discouraged as I compared myself to the other individuals in my district.
I will never forget after my first week in the MTC, laying down in my bed staring at the mattress of my companion laying in the bed above me. Thoughts of inadequacy and doubt began to hit me pretty hard. I began to feel that maybe this calling to speak Mandarin Chinese and be a missionary was all just a big mistake. Not knowing where else to turn, I rolled out of my bed and fell onto my knees. I offered the longest and most sincere prayer that I have ever said my whole entire life. I told Heavenly Father everything, that was on my mind. By the time I finished praying, it had been almost a half of hour. I kept waiting for this administering of angels, or thunderous voice to answer my questions and tell me that everything is all right, but nothing came. I got up from my knees and got into bed feeling some what confused. As I laid in my bed again, my thoughts began to wander. I came to the conclusion that there was something I was doing wrong, or everything I was assuming was correct. These thoughts were quickly interrupted by the most intense feeling of peace that I have ever experienced my whole entire life. It almost seemed to speak to me as a voice telling me that everything was going to be ok, and I was right in the place that I was supposed to be.
After that the MTC became an amazing place. My Chinese did not come easy, but after much hard work, it slowly began to come. I continued to have small glimpses of what the Chinese language was all about. I continued to pray harder than I had ever prayed my whole entire life. I never had the feeling that my trials where completely taken away from me, but I did feel guidance and strength from Heavenly Father has I continued to push forward. By the time that I left the MTC I was no longer the worst in my class. I was not the best, but I passed up several in my class. Even though looking back it was very hard, I am so grateful for the preparation that gave me to enter into the mission field.
My first day in the mission field is another one that will stay with me for the rest of my life. I came off that plane so ready to do missionary work. For some reason I was led to believe that after 3 short months of training, I was ready to take on anything. I thought that I knew every aspect of the gospel like the back of my hand. I remember telling my parents at the air port that my Chinese was good enough to hold a basic conversation, and teach principles of the gospel. Boy was I in for a huge surprise! I will never forget making my first street contacting approach, and being blown away by the language that came out of the mouth of the person I was talking with. I felt like for the last three months in the MTC I had been learning the wrong language.
       There was one morning, me and my companion decided to go out to the track and do some running. As I was just finishing my last lap, I saw a man walking across the center of the field. He had  large wooden stick draped across his shoulders. On each end of the stick swayed a huge bag of trash. He struggled to walk because of the immense pressure on his shoulders. I remember wanting to help him so bad, but I feared that I would not be able to communicate with him. By the time that I went to go ask my companion, he was already gone. I felt that same feeling every time that we went outside. Even though I could not visually see a burden resting on their shoulders, I could see it in the way that they carried themselves, and I still can to this day. They walked very slowly, head down, and arms like two dead fish flopping to the rhythm of their step. I could see the pressures of their new life in America weighing down on them heavily. I wanted so bad to bear a great testimony of the atonement of Jesus Christ, but was not able. I was very frustrated.
       Through more sincere prayer and hard work, I slowly improved. I remember one day having a man stop to talk with me on the street. As we spoke, I remember not thinking anything of it at first. I felt like I was having a normal conversation. By the time that he walked away, it had been over 30 minutes. He gave me his phone number, and said he would love to come meet with us in the future. A few minutes after he walked away, it hit me that I was just speaking Chinese. I was so happy! I finally felt like I did something effective as a missionary.
       Just as things began to feel like things were starting to settle down, transfers came. I had been in china town for merely 3 cycles, so I assumed I was in no danger of being transferred. I was under the impression that my companion would most definitely leave, and I would stay and enjoy the great success of that was soon to come from our teaching pool. The call came when I was in the middle of teaching English class. I answered standing in front of the whole class. My zone leader busted up laughing as he said, “Elder Barton, I am so glad that you answered the phone.” I was very confused by his comment. He then went on to say that I would be transferred to Danbury Connecticut. I literally froze. I was not able to speak! After giving the phone to my companion, I tried to explain to English class what had just happened. My already broken Chinese, turned into a mix of stuttering and cooing sounds. The English class busted into laughter, and another missionary came to replace me. I had heard many stories about missionaries loosing their Chinese in the English program and feared what would happen to the little Chinese that I had worked so hard to obtain.
       My first few weeks in Danbury Connecticut were some of the hardest I have ever been through. My companion had been in the area for a long time, and was very sick of it. I felt like I was dragging him around with me all day. There were times when he would sit in the car and watch me street contact. Every time that a lunch break was over, it was a battle to get him to leave the apartment. We would spend long days tracting, and have two or three people open the door. They did not let us in, but they opened the door. I slowly began to understand why my companion was having such a hard time being there for so long. I wanted so badly to know my reason for coming to Danbury. It seemed like there was not any purpose.
       My second Sunday attending the Danbury Ward, it became very evident why I was there. As I sat in the hall after church talking with a few members, I noticed someone out of the corner of my eye standing very close to me. I looked over to find a young Chinese girl staring at my name tag with a very intrigued look on her face. “Do you speak Chinese?” I asked in the best Chinese that I could. A big smile came on to her face, as she slowly nodded her head up and down. I spoke to her with the little Chinese that I knew, and she replied with the little English that she knew. We were not able to talk for long, but long enough to get to know each other a little bit.
       When I came home that night, I asked the missionaries serving in her ward to tell me a little bit about her. They did not know much, besides the fact that she was a recent convert. The following Sunday I was able to talk with her again. This time I asked about how she joined the church and heard a wonderful conversion story. When came to America with her mother only a few years ago, she met a member of our church that attended her high school. This young lady made her feel very comfortable, in this new foreign and strange place. As time went on, she was invited to attend church activities, and then meet with the missionaries. Even though she did not fully understand all that the missionaries shared with her, she loved the feelings of comfort and happiness that came as the missionaries spoke with her. She eventually made the decision to be baptized, and from that point on her life was changed. I also came to find out that her mother was not a member of the church. The missionaries had attempted to teach her before, but because she was not able to speak English there was no way for her to fully understand the concepts being taught. One day I decided to give this young lady a call and ask if I could go visit her mother. She agreed, but told me her mother did not have the best feelings about the church.
       The first time I went over to her house, I came ready to teach the gospel. I reviewed my Chinese phrases, and carried under my arm a set of Chinese scriptures that I had marked and prepared so that I could read with her. I knocked on the door with confidence and excitement awaiting the miracle that laid on the other side of the door. The door opened abruptly, and in broken and loud English yelled, “My daughter not here!!” in Chinese. I explained to her through the closed door that I could speak a little Chinese, and I would love to talk with her for a second. I waited for a few seconds, and because of the long silence I assumed that she was not interested in what I had to say. Just as I started to walk away, I heard the sound of the creaking door slowly swing open. I turned around to find the mother of this young lady standing in the door frame. She looked at me with her mouth dropped almost all the way to the floor, and said “You speak Chinese?” I said yes, and she invited me in right away.
       We talked for about 2 hours. I have never felt the gift of tongues so strongly my whole entire mission. This lady was not only speaking Chinese, she was speaking with a very strong accent that comes from the northern part of china. There is no way I would have been able to understand everything that she was saying by myself. She told me everything. She explained to me some very hard challenges that she had recently faced. She was crying, and so was I. My companion that did not speak any Chinese I am sure was very confused. She told me that she had been needing to talk with someone for so long, but in the Connecticut area the Chinese population is very scarce. She was so grateful just to have the opportunity to share her feelings.
       Although she was grateful for me listening to her, she still did not have much interest in the church. She had heard some strange rumors about our church, and did not want to associate her self with it. Each time that I would come visit her, her heart would soften a little bit more. Eventually she started to pray, and read the scriptures. Her once shattered heart was slowly put back together. The time came for us to invite her to be baptized. She thought hard about our invitation, but told us that she did not feel like it was the right time. She felt like there was just too much going on in her life at the time. Not having a clue what to say, I offered her a priesthood blessing and invited her to pray about this important decision. The blessing was interrupted by everything that you could possibly imagine, and I felt like I did a horrible job. I left her home with my head down feeling very discouraged.
       A few days later I received a call from this woman. The conversation was straight to the point. “Elder Barton, I have decided that I want to be baptized. When can I do that?” she said. I started to make the stuttering sounds again, when I was interrupted with, “How does the 4th of September sound?” I told her that sounds great, and that I was so excited for her. Right after hanging up the phone I remember being very confused. I had no idea what caused this amazing change of heart. After a couple weeks she was baptized. I saw her life completely change after that. The contention between her and her daughter was replaced with feelings of love and unity. The feelings she had of loneliness and sorrow were replaced with peace. There was a new light to her, that was not there before. After her baptism, she introduced the gospel to several of her friends, and is now preparing to get married in the temple. 
       It is funny how a lot of people are under the impression that missionaries are called to be amazing teachers. Sometimes we wrap our head around this so tight, we forget missionaries are also called to be learners. After this experience my mission took on a whole new light. Rather than seeing what the investigator had to learn from me, I tried to see what we could learn from each other. It is so amazing how well God knows each and everyone of his children. He knows each and every one of our deepest desires. God knew there was a Chinese woman in Danbury Connecticut that needed to be taught the gospel. He also knew there was a young missionary in South Manhattan struggling to understand the concept of humility. When I met her, and when she met me, both of our needs became resolved.
       I am not going to lie and say, from that point on I never had a hard day for the rest of my mission. Of course I continued to have struggles, but as I faced them, I felt much more prepared. Often times, I think that God will use a trial to prepare us for the next one that we are going to face. He will push us as far as we can go, and then give us some time to ponder about what we have learned. Then we will be hit with another trial. At first this trial will seem impossible to over come, but as we reflect on what we have learned from the previous situation, we will find ourselves being strengthened and guided by the hand of God.
       My mission has been the best two years of my life. I have learned so much, and grown so much. I have no way of denying the existence of God. The miracles I was so fortunate to see on my mission were not merely coincidence. It is not happen stance that after people apply principles of the gospel their life is changed. This is the formula of happiness that our Heavenly Father has given to us. It does not have any flaws. It is perfect like He is. I am so grateful for this opportunity to share this amazing message with the Chinese people of New York. As I have shared it every day, with all my heart for the last two years, my testimony has grown. The great habits I have learned on my mission will not end when I get home. Although I will be released from being a missionary, I will not be released from being the best I can be. I am still not even close to being all that my Heavenly Father wants me to be, but I know through the atonement of Jesus Christ I will be able to improve a little bit at a time.

       This was required by my mission president. I just figured I would send it out to you guys! Sorry it is so long!

Letter #99 Chinese Settings

So I just figured out how to use the Chinese setting on this email and I am not going to lie, I am feeling pretty cool right now!  This was a fantastic week! I dont know that I have had very many weeks like this on my mission. I feel like the longer that I am on my mission, the weeks just keep getting better and better.
To start things off! 单姐妹 was baptized! That was awesome! There was a lot of work that went into her baptism and a lot of things that tried to get in the way, but obviously nothing can possibly get in the way of someone with that strong of a desire to be baptized. She is such an amazing women. Her baptism was such an emotional experience for me. She has been through and overcome so much. Watching her come out of the water after being baptized, then seeing a look of relief on her face brought tears to my eyes. It brings them to me right now as I am typing this. Baptism is such a huge blessing. Gods mercy is really something quite incredible. He requires a firms desire and in return he is willing to give us a fresh start.
Before this key board is ruined from water damage, I will move on to the next subject. Our other baptismal dates are still doing fantastic. We have been so blessed to meet them. 郭弟兄 opened up to us a little bit more this last week. We found out that he comes from a very rough background. His mother passed away when he was very young due to in his opinion, poor judgement of the doctor. They used shocking therapy to try to cure a problem that she had with her brain. One day they used to much electricity and his mother could not take it. His sister was so sad that she killed herself. 郭弟兄 became very depressed and came to America to escape the memories that he had with his family in china. He worked 12 hour days everyday for 12 years straight. Just recently his life has been settling down.
I feel so blessed to have this opportunity to share the gospel with him, and have it change his life.
Jeremy is such a stud! He is progressing so fast! He is scheduled to be baptized on the 12th of august... we might pass him off to the flushing missionaries because the flushing chapel is a lot closer to his home. For the New York area it is really strange as far as boundaries go. Even though there are different Chinese branches, the members choose where they want to go. I have no idea why it is like that. We will see what happens, we are going to investigate the youth program situation over there and then give him the choice. We will see what happens.
A few days ago, Elder Foley and I ran into a man on the street that I met a little over a year ago. I even wrote about him in my email I am pretty sure. He is from Guatemala and met with the missionaries there. I got his number and gave it to the Connecticut missionaries because that was where he was living at the time. When I ran into him a few days ago, I could tell right away that his life had changed and not it a good way. He was covered in dirt from head to toe, his hair gave me the impression that he had not showered in quite some time, and he was shaking. He told me that he lost his job, his father just died, and he was robbed the night before. He would not allow us to give him money but he asked his just us to help him find a place to stay. He even had money to pay, he just did not know where to go. We went with him to many different places and called the Spanish missionaries, but could not find anywhere with an empty room, or within his budget.
We called the other Chinese companionship and told them to bring us some food and old clothes from the apartment that we could give him. After he had food in his stomach, he seemed to calm down a little bit. Finally we found an old Spanish church that was in china town. We walked in to see if they had any places for this man to stay. A group of over 10 people kneeled down with us to pray for this man. The prayer was in Spanish, so we could not understand. But, we could definitely feel the faith of this congregation. After the prayer, they made a few calls, then were able to find him a place to live. I felt that they were great people and they were all very impressed by me and Elder Foley's willingness to help this man. I think it left a good impression. We also gave his phone number to some Spanish missionaries close and last we heard they are going to try to meet up with him. I love service. That was such a miracle that we were able to help him.
Thank you every one for all that you do! I hope all is well! Talk to you next week!
包长老(Elder Barton)

Elder Barton will return home on August 16th and speak in our Encinitas Ward (Cardiff Building) at 9am on August 19th. 

Letter #98 Another Fantastic Week

Hello Hello!

This was another fantastic week. My testimony continues to be strengthened as I do missionary work.
A few weeks ago when we went to give the flowers to our investigator at work, we ended up having a really good conversation with one of her co-workers about the church. He expressed interest in our church and told us that he would give us a call one day when he had time. A few days later, he called us and we set up a time that he could come in to meet with us. When he came into the chapel he told us that he met with the missionaries about 10 years ago. At the time, he had just come to america so his life was very busy working 12 hour days most of the time 7 days a week. But now he has alot more time and his life has stabilized immensely. He even showed us a picture of him and the missionary that taught him 10 years ago. The lesson with him went fantastic. He accepted a baptismal date, and really seems to have a sincere desire to learn. He came to church this last sunday and something amazing happened. At the end of sacrament meeting our branch president asked if a visiting return missionary that served in our branch 10 years ago would stand up and share his testimony. When this man passed by our investigator grabbed his hand and greeted him by name! It turns out that was the missionary that taught him 10 years ago!!! The now grown up returned missionary did not recognize him at first, but after a few seconds remembered. I am not even sure that our investigator even realized how much of a miracle that was. This missionary has not come back for 10 years, then on the one sunday that he did come back it just so happened that our investigator came to church. truly amazing. 
That same sunday we had to amazing member present lessons. One of them was with our investigator getting baptized this last sunday and the other was with the buisness man from Bei Jing that talked to you guys about a little while ago. The spirit was so strong in both of them. Me and Elder Foley barely did any of the talking. The members got to know them then just kinda took over. IT WAS GREAT!  Both of them bore such powerful testimonies, and shared their personal conversion stories. Our investigator from Bei JIng went from having alot of questions and concerns to almost having none. The member that was present in our lesson has a very similar life, so they were able to connect very well. Our investigator getting baptized this sunday felt the book of mormon was true but boring. But after this member present lesson, she feels it is the most interesting book in the world! I can not even begin to say how grateful I am for the help of those two members! They really helped us out!
We had an opportunity to take another one of  our investigators to go take a tour of the Manhattan temple! We obviously were not able to go int he temple side with him yet, but he really enjoyed seeing the chapel. We are so blessed to have the temple so close to us here. It is such a great tool for finding new investigators and making the investigators that we already have become more converted! I love the temple. That investigator is doing so well. He makes me laugh so hard. He is really shy but has a personal goal to become more outgoing. So he is always asking us to help him. He is a great example of somebody that is meek and humble.
I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have had to meet these people. I wish I had more time to tell you about all of our great investigators! I could talk about these people all day! They are all so special each and every one of them. It is funny how allot of times I feel like the missionary learns so much more from the investigator than the investigator learns from the missionary. I will never forget the impact that some of my investigators have left on me. I love each and every one of them so much.
Well I am so grateful for all of the love and support that I have received recently. Thank you all so much! I hope you have a great week! Talk to you soon!
Elder Barton

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Letter #97

Hello my dear friends and family!
This week was just marvelous! Me and Foley have been working so hard! My mission president gave me a challenge in my last interview to make elder foley the most tired that he has ever been in his life my last cycle. I think we have been doing a pretty good job with that. Every night after we finish planning we crash. It has been great!
This week was full of miracles. Everything just seems to be working out perfectly! We have found a few new investigators this week that are so cool. The ways that we found them I feel were a huge blessing. The first one that I want to tell you about is Yan Di Xiong. A few months ago I contacted a lady on the street of china town that I will never forget. If I remember correct I even talked about her in one of my e mails. She walked towards me with her face down staring at the ground. In response to my voice she slowly looked up into my eyes. She had a black eye and her mouth was bleeding a little bit. As I started to get to know her, I came to realize that these wounds on her face were a result of her husbands anger. She started cry as she told me that she was in china town to give her husband some time to cool off. She was leaving the next day to go back to Philadelphia (where she lives), so we did not have an opportunity to sit down and talk with her more.
We have stayed in touch over the last few months, but it has been really hard for us to do anything considering she does not speak english, and there are no chinese speaking missionaries up in Philadelphia. When we called her on monday she told us that she was still up in Philadelphia but she assured us that things were starting to get a little better. As I was getting ready to hang up the phone, I asked the signature missionary quesion, "is there anything that we can help you with?" We ask this question to people all day everyday, but it is very rare that we actually get any kind of response. This time was different however. She said that her husband just got out of the hospital and is in china town. She said that she would love it if we could go visit him and see if he is ok. I think before she was even able to finish her sentence I was asking for the name and the phone number! I was so excited for this opportunity.
We called his phone, he answered, and agreed to come and meet up with us. I have to say I was very surprised. I was expecting a rough looking man with a rough attitude. But Instead it was a short little man with long flowing hair and pink t shirt. He also came across as a very nice man. We shared with him our purpose as missionaries is to help him come closer to Christ, and in turn help his life and his family. We gave him the family proclamation to the world, and invited him to read and pray about it. The spirit was very strong. Me and my companion could feel that he had a very strong desire to change.
I feel so blessed to have that experience. I can remember the day after I met that girl on the street feeling so sad for the rest of the day. I also prayed for her with all my heart. Heavenly father heard my prayers. Not only did he hear them, but he answered them. I really hope that Yan Di Xiong will take the things that he learned with us and apply them into his family. He is meeting with us agian tomorrow. I cant wait.
I do have to share one funny story before I log off... So we were teaching a lesson in dunkin doughnuts the other day, because one of our investigators did not feel comfortable coming to our chapel. There is a crazy homeless lady with a large hole in her forehead that loves to cause trouble in china town. She will do things like come next to us as we are teaching a lesson on the street, drop her pants, and start to go to the bathroom. It really gets out of control sometimes. As we were in dunkin doughnuts teaching this lesson she walked up to our table. I am so happy that our investigator did not speak english, because she said alot of bad words. She chewed us out pretty good, then hocked a luggie on my companion. I dont think I have ever been that discriminated against my whole entire life. Our poor investigator was so scared. He got up and left right after the episode. I think he will probably feel comfortable coming to our chapel next time.
I am really sorry. Now that I think about it that was a really weird note to end on! haha! Well I sure do love you all! Thank you for all of the love and support! The church is true I believe it with all my heart. I am so blessed to bring this great message of happiness to the people here in china town! have a great week!
Elder Barton

Letter #96 Elder Barton Arrives Home In 5 Weeks from today!!!

Good Afternoon!
Well this was another fantastic week! I am so excited to go home and count up how many of my emails have started with that exact sentence! Ha I think it will be very interesting. Elder Foley and I have been sooooooo busy! I love it! China Town is such a wonderful place in the summer. I am not going to lie, the smell is not something I am going to miss, but the group of people that cover those smelly streets, I am going to miss so much. Recently there has been a ton of people outside relaxing. China town has many different parks and places to sit down. Almost every place will have families and other people waiting to hear the gospel. There are also these little singing and dancing groups that will come and perform. Even though they are all over 70 years old, the heart and soul that they put into these performances is just incredible.
We have been meeting some great people. It is so amazing how fast they will go out of state. They meet with us one time, then bam, they are gone! The process gets a little old sometimes. But when you think about the seeds that are being planted, it always feels pretty good. Sometimes I just wish that I could have a car in this mission... That way I could drive to these places where our investigators are and take them to church. There are so many things that I wish I could do for these people. Some of the stories I have heard on my mission make me think that every single hard ship I have ever experienced was just a piece of cake.
We had a member bring a friend to church on sunday, which was so great! After the church service we sat down with him to share with him the gospel. He was such a nice a guy. He was very shy and kept to himself but the more we spoke with him, the more he seemed to open up. He told us a little bit about his life. He is going though a typical china town situation. He came to America illegally, so as a result is in a lot of debt and trying desperately to get his green card. He is all alone. His wife and 18 year old son are in china. He misses them so much.... But he will not be able to see them for a long time. It is impossible for him to go back. I have heard similar stories so many times on my mission and each time it just breaks my heart. I dont know that I have ever met someone that was suffering as much as he was though. We shared with him prayer and how the atonement of Jesus Christ can help us to overcome our trials. He really seemed to enjoy it.
I feel so blessed to serve in this mission. These people are so pure. It is their first time hearing about any of these things. It is one thing to teach it, but see someone use what you teach them and have it change their life is something so much better. I have such a great mission call.
I had my first interview with President Morgan yesterday. I was expecting him to sit me down for a couple seconds then shew me off when he realized I was going home soon. That was not at all the case! I have never met some one that listened so well to everything that I had to say. I left that interview feeling so complimented and uplifted. He is such a great man! I wish I had more time to get to know him, I feel that he and I would have gotten along very well. There is such a huge part of me that just wants to stay here for a little while longer so I can see all of these exciting changes continue to take place.
Fourth of July was sooooooooo awesome! Our land lady opened up the roof! We had snacks and the whole deal! I have never seen fire works like that in my whole life! The whole thing was like one giant grand finale! And the coolest part was seeing them come out from behind these gigantic sky scrapers!! It was a great time to be an American! I took some awesome pics, but I dont have my camera today so I cant show you! sorry!
Well I hope that you are all doing well! Have a fantastic week, and I will talk to you soon!
Elder Barton

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Letter #95 Happy 4th of July

Hello Hello!

Today is going to be a shorter email. I am in best buy using a computer. Today is fourth of July so a lot of places are closed! It is nice being out of china town on the fourth of July. In china town you would not even know that today is a special day! I saw a guy that had a pair of socks with USA embroidered in red white and blue but other than that, I have not seen the slightest amount of patriotism. I made sure to sing the national anthem to start off comp study this morning though. I sang it extra loud so everyone in china town would get the gist. 
This week was just amazing. Going into a new area is always accompanied by so many miracles. With that being said, I don't know that I have ever seen such a rapid increase in a teaching pool my whole entire mission. Starting last week we had one baptismal date. But, he went out of state for a few months and will not be coming back for a few months! So we had to drop his date. But me and Elder Foley continued to battle through the sorrow and work hard. We were so blessed. We had some of the most powerful lessons that I have ever had in my whole mission. I think a few weeks ago, I may have told you about a business man that we met on a work exchange from Bei Jing. We had the opportunity to share with him the first half of the plan of salvation, and invite him for baptism. After much thought, he finally agreed that he would do it. We are so happy! His family is coming out in about a year as well which makes it just that much better. 
We ran into another guy on the street holding a bible in his hands. We started to talk with him and heard a remarkable story. He said he became a christian. He really enjoyed church and started to share the word with a lot of his friends. One day a few government officials came into his church and dragged him out. They beat him pretty severely and confiscated his bible and other materials that he had on him. After he was released from jail, his father gave him money to go to America. The spirit was so strong as he told us this. He then said that he is preparing to get baptized into another church. We shared with him the first lesson and invited him to be baptized with the proper priesthood authority. He agreed!!!! 
On Sunday we met with a lady that we have been trying to meet with for quite some time! She is so prepared but hardly has any time to meet with us. She is a very busy woman. Finally with much prayer and effort we were able to meet with her. She began to cry right when she said the opening prayer. She began to tell heavenly father. After the prayer, we talked with her for a second. The poor thing has really been going through some hard times. The spirit made it so obvious what we need to teach. What is the best way for us to start over? How can we have consistent happiness in our lives? Baptism! The spirit was so strong!
We also were very blessed with people coming to tour our chapel that we met on the street. We also had a few people randomly just call us! I wish so bad that I had more time to in depth of all the wonderful miracles that happened to us this week. I can't even begin to tell you how much it strengthened my testimony that god lives. He guides his missionaries to those people that are ready or need some extra help preparing. 
We got to meet President Thomas B. Morgan this week! He is a great guy! So much different from President Smith. They are both great in their own way. I really like President Morgan. He has five boys. One of which will be living with him throughout the course of his mission here in New York! I thought that was pretty cool! It is weird seeing children sitting up on the stand with the mission president! I really like it though.
I am so grateful for all of the love and support from all of you! I love reading the letters that you all send me! I am sorry I am not the best at writing back sometimes. I hope Andrew tears it up in Brazil! I know that he will be an amazing missionary! After seeing a picture of Tucker on his mission, I am not worried that he will lose those big biceps of his... I am sure that he will have many more baptisms on his mission. Love you all!
Elder Barton

Letter #94

Hello Hello!

So we have some big changes in china town! Because president smith is leaving this thursday, we got transfer calls on sunday and had transfers/p-day today! It feels very strange. I got transferred again into the other china town companionship! This really is just the common pattern of my whole mission and I love it! Each time that you go into a new area, it is a great opportunity to see many miracles. Heavenly father will help his missionaries if they want him to. I am back in my greenie area with my man Elder Foley! Elder Foley is a great guy! He has been on his mission only for a few months but is catching on to everything so fast! He is from Missouri, comes from a big mormon family, and his very stylish. As you can probably tell, we were destined to be friends. I am excited to start working with him! I will be finishing where I started! We also had another new missionary come in! He is a giant! I am concerned that the people of china town will be scared to death of him. He is 6'5", which is the china town record. ( We keep track in our apartment. We started a tradition where each new missionary marks his height. I hope that is not weird.) My dear son, Elder Mok, ventured out into the english program. (son just means that I was his trainer) It was hard for me to see him go but I know that he will tear it up. The next time that I will see him will be in Hawaii for school! Pretty crazy!
My last week in my old area went so well. We committed a few of our investigators to baptism! They will do so great. They were all so prepared! Brother Wang was still having a problem with smoking as of last week. We invited Brother Ye to sit in on one of our lessons. Brother Ye is one my recent converts that previously had a smoking problem. He just got a calling to serve as a branch missionary! WHAT A STUD! Brother Ye bore such a strong testimony and assured Brother Wang that if he read the book of mormon and prayed everytime that he wanted to smoke, he would be able to do it. It was very believable considering the fact that Brother Ye went from smoking a pack a day to nothing with in a very short amount of time. We were also able to give him a blessing, which was a really cool experience. After the blessing, he felt very comforted and was filled with determination to quit smoking. It was SO cool to see Brother Ye help us teach. It seems like just yesterday that Brother Ye was In a similar situation.
We have been meeting with a lady named annie for the last few weeks. She randomly called our number one day and told us that she want to come to church. We meet with her usually once a week. She has been suffering from depression recently due to health problems, and loved ones passing away. We have been trying so hard to help her! We gave her a blessing and have even gone as far to sing songs to her each time that she comes in. Recently she has made some improvement, but not much. This last week, at our branch temple activity Elder Mok and Elder Foley saw her doing baptisms for the dead with the flushing branch! We met with her yesterday and when we talked with her about it she was very embarrassed. She told us that she was worried if we thought she was a member we would not be willing to meet with her. The whole thing was very strange but I feel I learned alot from this. First of all, we as missionaries need to make sure that we are not making anyone feel unwelcomed to come and talk to us. And second of all, as members we need to make sure that we are living up to our baptismal covenant to " mourn with those that mourn, and comfort those that stand in need of comforting." (Mosiah 18) Missionaries are very fortunate to not have anything distracting us from helping those around us. But, living a life as a "normal" member of the church, we have many things to distract us. I think there are so many people in and outside of the church that simply just need somebody to talk to. The missionaries have no way of finding them all by ourselves.
I have recently realized how big a roll planting seeds has played in my mission. If we dont stop and look, sometimes we will not even see the many small miracles. The other day me and Elder Huang ran into a lady on the street that came with us to the church, listened to the first lesson, grabbed a book of mormon, and was on her way. She lives in flushing so I will call the office and give the flushing Mandarin speaking elders her phone number. This is a very common practice in china town in which the grandeur is often forgotten. This last time, it really hit me how blessed I am to be doing this. That one small seed could change this woman's path forever. Missionary work is really something!
Well I sure do love all of you guys! Thank you so much for everything! I am sorry that emails are always so short and lame! It is so hard to write all of the amazing things that happen in a week, in just one hour! In order for me write everything it would take a whole day, and a bunch of icy hot to help my carpel tunnel go away! I hope that you have a great week!
Elder Barton!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summa-Time Letter #93

Hello Hello!

Well this week was just fantastic! China town is really booming! I
think with summer coming in every one is in a much happier mood. It
really makes sharing the gospel alot easier. Last summer I was
upstate, which was great, but there is something about the city in the
summer that is just incredible. A cornicopea of different smells and
Me and elder huang just got out of a really intence lesson. This guy
was only in new york for one day, and came to our church wanting to
learn a little bit about our beliefs. He woke up at 4 30 so that he
could come to our church and wait for us to arrive. He told us that he
has been studying many religons, and loved to see the differences that
all of them had. At first we both had the feeling that he was just
another basher. We started to take the route of shutting him down, and
simply giving him an invitation to pray about the book of mormon. But
everything that we shared with him led to a question, and then to
another, and then to another. In the end our discussion ended up being
2 hours long. We were really "diving into the doctorine". But the
spirit was really there. All of us left feeling edified and uplifted.
He told us that he is going to read the book of mormon and get in
contact with the missionaries in canada. I believe it, I dont know if
I have seen someone with so much desire. It was not prideful either it
was very scincere. I know for a fact that man will join the church one
Me and elder foley (the new missionary) had the opportunity to teach
the very first young mens and young womens in the china town branch
this last sunday. There were three young women and only one young man,
but it was such an amazing experince. I cant even begin to put into
writting how much of my heart I have but into serving this branch.
When I see it growning the way that it is, I am so happy.
President smith delivered his final zone conference on tuesday. It was
very emotional for me, and everyone else that started their missions
with president and sister smith. They are such amazing people. I will
look up to them for the rest of my life. President shared with us a
parable from his pilot experience. It was so powerful. I am not going
to try to write it here because I would not do it justice. The message
was simply about repentence and how we can start over. He bore such a
powerful testimony of the atonement.
Our investigators continue to make me amazed. We taught brother wang
the word of wisdom on sunday, and he reached into his pocket and
handed us a full brand new pack of cigerettes. He agreed to give it up
right there on the spot. It is amazing what people will do when they
are converted to to gospel. I love all of our investigators so much.
This teaching pool we have right now is incredible. I could go on and
on about each and every one of them!
Well I sure do love all of you guys! I hope that you are having a great week!
Elder Barton

Letter #92

Hello hello!

This week was fantastic! Many of our investigators are starting to progress, and we were even able to set a couple baptismal dates! It has been amazing! These people that we have been working with recently are so prepared. It is so amazing how well God knows each and every one of his children.
I had one really cool experience this week that I will never forget. We were teaching a lesson when two ladies that I have never seen before came in and asked to speak with us for a second. I walked a couple feet away and my companion continued to chat with our investigator. It turns out that these two ladies were not members of the church but one of them had a son that was baptized a couple years ago. They recently moved to Indiana so we have not seen them for quite some time. Even though they were not members of the church, they knew that our church was a place that they could come for help. One of them had a daughter that just came to the untied states from china and has not been doing too well with the change. They told me that she is not very healthy and has been in the hospital for quite some time. They did not specify what exactly was going on but they asked if we would be willing to go there and visit her daughter. I agreed and set up an appointment for monday.
On monday, we met at our chapel in china town then went together in a taxi to the 14th street hospital. When we got there we noticed right away that this was not a normal hospital but a psychiatric ward. I had flash backs of reading the book "One Flew Over the Koo Koo's Nest" in high school and a feeling of uneasiness came over me. We went to the top floor of the hospital and waited out side a double bolted steal door for a security guard to come and unlock the door for us. When we went inside, this ladies daughter came around the corner screaming. She was mad that we were a few minutes late. Her mom told us to go stand off in the distance and wait for her to settle down. As we sat down on the cold blue leather couches many different patients continued to pass by us. They all had different problems. Some were alot more noticeable than others. My feeling of uneasiness turned into a feeling of peace and comfort as I tried to think about what Christ would do in this situation. I thought about all of the different accounts we have of Christs earthly ministry. He helped so many people and performed so many miracles. I pictured him just walking around this hospital, sitting down and talking with each of the patients. He would not load them up with all kind of medication that is hard to pronounce. He would simply love them and teach them principles of the gospel.
The mom came back and asked us to come sit with her daughter as she talked with the doctor. The doctor in my opinion seemed heartless. She was chinese luckily so she was able to communicate her points very clearly. She continued to tell this young lady that she was not normal and that she needed to take more medicine. Our new friends daughter really did not like medicine because of the way that it makes her feel. The doctor continued to tell her that she had to take it. I wanted so bad to shew this doctor away and simply have a conversation with this young lady trying my best to weave in as many principles of the gospel that I could. But, I don't think that would have been the best idea. The young lady ran away screaming in a temper tantrum. We asked the mother if we could have a few minutes just to talk with her but when she asked the daughter, her daughter was not up for it.
Me and elder huang left the chapel some what depressed as we thought about some of the things that had just happened. We both had the exact same experience. It is times like this, I realize that if everyone on this earth was trying to live a life like Christ did, it would be a much better place. As much as I wish it was like that, I am glad that it is not. It really helps me to realize how amazing Christ really was. The things that he did in his time on earth are incredible. I am so grateful for him and the sacrifice that he made for all of us.
Well I got to get going but I hope that you all have a great week! Thank you so much for all of the love and support that you all give to me, it really means so much!
Elder Barton

Monday, June 11, 2012

Letter #91

Hello Hello!
Well this was a great week. So many amazing things happened. I feel like every week of my mission just continues to get better and better. Even on the really hard weeks, you can always look back and say that you learned something.
Yesterday was my last zone conference with president smith. It was such an amazing meeting. President Smith opened up the meeting for questions. I always love these kind of meetings, because it is just amazing how the spirit with direct the conversation. Even though all of the questions were different, President Smith still managed to tie the whole meeting in to the theme of the holy ghost and the light of christ. I learned so many new things yesterday. I think that if I started to write them all down I would be sitting behind this computer all day long. But thing I took out of the meeting the most was for sure going by the spirit. I really hope that I am doing that exact thing with my investigators. I hope that each time they meet with us they feel enlightened.
There was one story that happened to me this last week that I thought was rather interesting. So about a week ago as I was street contacting a lady, a monk walked up. He asked me a few questions about our english class, took a card then was on his way. There are many monks in china town, I talk to them quite a bit, but I have never had one of them take a card! I thought that was kinda strange, but did not think to much of it. A few days later, I received a call from the same monk telling me that he would be attending english class the following day. That was the day my companion was teaching so I sat next to him through out the class to see if he needed any help. Half way through the class he looked down at my old beat up shoes, and asked what size I was. He then said that he had a pair of shoes at home that was just my size and insisted on giving them to me. As much as I tried to tell him that I was fine, he only pushed harder insisting on giving me this pair of shoes. The next day he came into english class with a plastic bag held at his hip. He reached in and gave me a pair of shoes that was indeed just my size. I was so grateful.
He also brought a friend with him that day. The both of them sat down with us after english class asking question after question about what we do and our basic beliefs. One of them even grabbed a book of mormon to take home with him to review and study. At the end of our conversation the both of them asked us if they could treat us to dinner. Knowing that the life of a monk was very similar to that of a missionary I was very hesitant. But, again their persistence overruled my hesitation. They took us to a vegetarian resturant in china town. (Monks are vegetarian) As we sat down at the table the waiter came with a big kettle of tea. As they prepared to pour me and my companion a glass, we had the opportunity to share with them the word of wisdom. They were so understanding and polite. The meal was fantastic. There were so many foods that I have never tried my whole life. Eating that made me think that being a vegetarian is not so bad after all.
I really dont know what will happen with my two knew monk friends. But, being able to plant the seed with these two individuals will be something that I will never forget. It was so great to get to know them and understand them better. Me and my companion left that appointment grinning from ear to ear. I am so grateful that heavenly father blessed me with that amazing opportunity.
The rest of the week was fantastic. I do not have one complaint. Our investigators are progressing at an incredible pace! We also had one lady just come back form china that we had taught previously. It was so good to see her again. We are meeting with her again tonight so I am very excited. We also had the opportunity to teach a lesson on speaker phone with one of our investigators that went out of state for the weekend. That was my first time doing that! The lesson went so well. He did his reading, and has been praying! He really enjoys everything that he is learning! We invited him to be baptized on the 8th of next month, and he accepted. We are so grateful for this huge blessing.
Well I sure do love all of you! I got some letters from the young women this week, and they made me so happy! It was so great to see how much you are all growing up! Thanks for the letters they really mean alot. I hope you have a good week!
Elder Barton!

Letter #90

Letter to just family today!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Brother Zhang Got Baptized!

The Snow's Found Elder Barton
Hello Hello!

Well these last few days have been very interesting! A few days ago we decided to use the oven... That was the start of this great story! After which some strange and very strong smell began to take over our apartment, then the whole building! It got so intense that the fire department had to come (aka the china town dragon fighters) and take care of the situation. Let me tell you these men do not mess around! I have never seen more tactical gear used in my life just to simply unplug an oven! But even after the oven had been unplugged and a few days later, the smell has not gone away! We were told by our mission president to go and sleep in the church last night! That was an adventure! We are not in a normal church building so we had to sneak past the front desk security! I am not going to lie it was exciting! We had to sit in the church with the lights off, not moving or talking so that no one would get suspicious! haha! We are hoping to have the situation resolved soon. Our mission president has given us the assignment of finding a new apartment! should be pretty interesting!
This week was full of incredible miracles. I am absolutely speechless. To start off Brother Zhang was baptized! It was such a great baptism. Although we did not meet with him long before his baptism, he really went through alot. I love the guy so much. Baptisms are so incredible. As Brother Zhang walked down into the baptismal font, I had a flash back of when we met him on the street. He walked by us with his head down, hair covering his face, and a cigarette clinched between his index and middle finger. He took a card, but did not give us much opportunity to talk with him. For some reason, this image was so powerful to think of as he walked into the font. He is a changed person. He carries himself with a confident, and glowing Ora. I am so grateful for him...he strengthened my testimony so much.
It is very ironic that last week I addressed the topic of food miracles with you all. Because, this week, I experienced probably the biggest one I have experienced my whole entire mission. Our zone had set a goal of getting 20 baptismal dates and we decided that if we hit it, we would have a zone pizza party. Well with many incredible miracles, the goal was accomplished. Numbers do not determine the success of a missionary but when things like this happen, it is incredible evidence of the love and existence of our heavenly father. It is incredible how he will answer our righteous desires.
When the pizza man came this last Monday, we had the money prepared and ready to go. As we proceeded to hand the money to the pizza man, he told us that there was no need. He said that the bill had already been payed. We looked at the credit card number on the receipt and it did not match mine or elder huangs. The man wished us a nice day, then was on his way. We stood there dazed and confused as to what had just happened. We have no idea what happened but we are so grateful for this incredible tender mercy.
Well I love you all so much! Thank you for all of the great support that you all offer! I hope that you have a great week!
Elder Barton

Letter #88

Hello Hello!

Well this has been another fantastic week! We have been so blessed! Because of recent weather conditions, and our chapel getting new carpet, we have not had a chance to meet with many of the people that we had planned on. But I no matter how hard the days are heavenly father always find some way of making the work fun, or making us happy. He takes care of his missionaries so well. One of our rough days this last week, we had three separate individuals give us food! I have realized most of my biggest miracles on my mission involve food! Every time that we are getting close to the end of the month, and don’t have a lot of money heavenly father always provides some way for us to get food.
Despite the weather conditions, Brother Zhang still continued to meet with us. I must say, I have been so amazed by the faith of Brother Zhang. We taught him the word of wisdom this last week and found out that he had a very serious smoking problem. I shouldn’t say we found out, it was pretty obvious from the start. He would usually have to take a few "breaks" outside each time that he attended church. When we shared with him this commandment, he told us that he would usually smoke a pack or more per day. A pack of cigarettes will usually include some where around 20 cigarettes. He told us he had tried to quit many times, but had not had any success! But this time he really feels like he can do it.
We gave him a priesthood blessing to help start this challenging task. The spirit was so strong, after the blessing we all just seemed to know that he would be able to do it with no problem. The next day was Sunday, and he came to church. As soon as he walked in to door, we knew that something was wrong with him. He was sweating profusely, shaking, and his skin color appeared to be green. He told us that he had not smoked from the time that we gave him a blessing, and he was having a hard time. Luckily we had prepared a little present for him. We took one of his old boxes of cigarettes that was empty and filled it with scriptures. We even rolled up little pieces of paper and colored the tip yellow, then placed the scripture references inside of the hollow paper tube. So every time that he wanted to smoke he could pull out one the scriptures and read.
Yesterday, he came and met with us again. When he walked into the room, we could already see a change that had taken place. The green countenance had turned into a glow. Even the tone of his voice seemed to have changed. He pulled out his book of Mormon, and we were very surprised to see that he had almost read all of the scriptures we had given him. He bore his testimony to us of how the book of Mormon purely testifies of Christ. He only smoked one cigarette yesterday, and is planning on not smoking again. The book of Mormon is amazing. It really does have power to change people’s lives. Zhang is such a great example.
Street contacting this last week, I met an amazing person. I was very hesitant to contact him in Chinese because his skin was white. But, I noticed that many of his features, and actions resembled a Chinese person, so I decided to give it a try. It turns out he was Chinese, but due to a skin disease his skin and his hair turned completely white. As I talked to him for a little bit, he shared with me his life story. I have never heard such a sad one my whole entire life.
He is originally from Taiwan, but moved to Indonesia at a young age for work reasons. In Indonesia, he met his wife, had a great job as a college professor, and was making quite a bit of money. Everything in his life was going perfect. But then a mob came into one of the stores that he owned set it on fire, and took the life of his wife that was 4 months pregnant. They also injured him very badly. His chin was cut, and he was severely stabbed on his arms. I had no idea that life in Indonesia was so dangerous. Long story short, he came to America because life in Indonesia only made him think of this tragedy. His life in America has been no walk in the park. All of his money is gone, and he has nobody here to support him. He showed me a picture of him and his wife, and he used to look normal. With dark skin and dark hair. But he said that because of depression his skin and hair color has changed. I tried my best to share with him the plan of salvation, and assure him that he would see his family again. He grew quiet for a few moments, and then asked if I had a pamphlet that he could read. I gave him one, we said a quick prayer, and he was on his way.
Yesterday we ran into him again. He told us that he read the pamphlet and it brought him great comfort. He said the day that I ran into him was the exact day that his wives life was taken. The spirit was so strong. Unfortunately he had to get going very fast, and was leaving for Philly. He has no cell phone, or way we can contact him. But he said he would be back in a few weeks, and he would contact us. I believe that he will. I am so grateful that I could that information with him. I really hope it will help him.
Well I have got to get going. But thank you so much for all of the love and support! I love hearing from all of you!
Elder Barton

Monday, May 14, 2012

Letter #87

Hello Hello,

So this was a great week. We were extremely busy! We went to the Revlon Run-walk again. That was really cool! It is a fundraiser that is organized to help fight breast cancer. I guess it is supposably pretty famous. They only do it in Los Angles and here. The Missionaries are a huge part of this event! We helped people find where they needed to go and register if they had not yet had a chance. The coolest part of the whole thing was right after the race, we got to go count all of the money that was received. I have never seen so much money in my whole life! We got to go into this really nice hotel that is in the middle of time square, in a locked and secured room! It was pretty cool I felt like I was some sort of a secret agent. There were supposably a few movie stars that got up to give a speech but I had no idea who they were. I have not seen any of the movies that they have been in because I am too old! ( in my mission age)
The rest of the week went great as well. We found a guy named Zhang, who is really golden. He said that he previously went to another church but because they wanted to charge him a couple hundred dollars to be baptized he left. He didn't feel like that was right. I have taught very few people that think about things the way that he does. Whenever we teach him a new principal, you can almost see his mind digesting the information. Then after he thinks about it for a second, he will either ask a great question or tell us that he agrees. We have already met with him 3 times, and set a baptismal date with him for the 20th! I am so grateful! It is amazing to see how heavenly father prepared him to meet with us.
The longer that I do missionary work, the more I realize how small I am a part of it. I think when you first come into the mission field you are so excited to contribute your own talents and ideas, that you almost forget to involve heavenly father and the guidance he gives through the holy ghost. But as you continue to have the grace of christ make up for your weaknesses over and over again, you realize that in the end you are nothing but an instrument. I think every single person that I have found on my mission has been a result of the same process. I work really hard and find many people. But, due to different things many of the people that we find will move out of state or simply disappear. It is after I have almost been brought to tears, and I have given all that I am able, the miracle happens. The one person that has been prepared and ready finds us.  That is what makes a mission so special! This great piece of information is clearly laid out right in front of your face.
Hope you are all doing well! Thank you so much for all of the love and support, I can't even begin to say how much it means to me.
Elder Barton

Letter #86

Hello Hello!

This week was so great! Me and elder huang street contacted our butts off and I loved it! We found so many great people! I had two young men walk up to me and say that they did not believe in God because he is not fair. They said it does not make sense how when children die they go to hell. After they understood the plan of salvation, their eyes almost began to water and they insisted that they could leave their phone number so we could meet with them again. We also had one lady that approached us with black eyes and small cuts on her face. She told us that her husband had not been very nice to her recently. I have never felt so bad for a person my whole life. We testified of jesus christ and the comfort that his atonement brings us. It really seemed to help. I hope so bad that we will have an opportunity to meet with her soon. We are so blessed to be in such a great church that teaches us the importance of the family unit as well as ways that we can strengthen our family.  I also ran into a deaf chinese woman this week in china town! I was able to get her phone number and give her to the sign language elders! As you can see it was an amazing week! I love being a missionary!
Sorry not much time this week. We have to get going. But I sure do love you guys! Thank you for all of the great letters of support! They really mean so much to me! YOu are the best!
Elder Barton

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Letter #85

Ryan has not had great access to the internet to write a long letter until today... He wrote small emails to the family for the last two weeks...
He will return home on August 16th for sure!!! We are excited! :) Ryan will have an opportunity to see his high school friend, Matt Passmore on his last day in the NY NYN mission when Matt arrives to begin his mission!!! What an amazing opportunity! - L, Darci
Hello Hello!
So this was another great week! I can't remember if I told you in my e-mail yet, but president smith will be going home in two cycles. I had my last interview with him this week and it was so sad. I love that guy so much! I never really realized how much work he does to run the mission until just recently. I was on a split with the A.P.'s up in Scarsdale and we went into the mission office to grab the packages for the south Manhattan zone. My mission president was sitting behind his desk with a mountain of papers stacked on the desk before him. He told me that he has to study and sign off every single expense in our mission. He then let me look at the "transfer board" pretty legendary throughout my mission. This board was gigantic! Each missionary had a picture and some background info about them placed in their assigned area! This really helped me realize how much time he puts in and how much he really cares about each of us. I really love president smith, I am going to miss him so much. I am kinda bummed I am going to have a new mission president for my last cycle, but it’s ok.
Sister Lin, her son Henry, and Brother Ye were baptized this week! That was awesome... I have never had the privilege of teaching and baptizing someone young before. That was really cool. I must confess I shed a few tears. I am sure I am going to cry like a baby again when I see him pass the sacrament in a few weeks. We are also going to talk with the stake young men’s leader about getting him involved in some camp outs and other young men’s activities. Brother Ye was just as ready as ever. He overcame so much to get were he is and I am so proud of him. He asked me if he could go on a mission after he was baptized. He told me that he really believes that the gospel can bless other people. Unfortunately, he is a little too old right now, but we told he could be a very effective missionary by sharing the gospel with his friends, and others that he surrounds himself with. This made him so happy. It was a great baptismal service.
I had a really cool experience serving in the sign language program yesterday! It was so much fun! My companion was hard of hearing, but his speaking was still really good. For the most part of the day though I was trying my best to sign with him! It is amazing how much of my ASL has been eaten alive by Chinese. But still I tried my best. I really like the sign language program! They are all such studs! I was so amazed! They have a very hard program. They spend much of their time getting rejected, searching desperately for deaf people. I really look up to those guys. When I came back to china town last night and started to speak Chinese again, my head hurt sooooooooooo bad! The switch from my second language to my other second language really did not feel good.
Me and Elder Huang found a few new investigators this last week. We have been so blessed. I am learning so much from Elder Huang, he is a great missionary. It is pretty incredible how much he cares about every person that he comes in contact with. My testimony continues to grow each and every day. I am so amazed with heavenly fathers ability to plan, and organize the way and timing that his children will hear the gospel. I love my mission!
Elder Barton
Ryan, Elder Huang and President Smith 

Letter #84

Hello Hello!
So this week was just fantastic! Me and elder huang are working so hard! I think I told you last week that we basically started last cycle with nothing. We found a ton of new investigators this week! All of them were such huge blessings! I feel like we go out side and do our best to contact, then at random times heavenly father will just blesses us for our efforts. Some of the people that we found this week were so incredible and have awesome stories. I always love the first time that we meet with an investigator. It is so great just to listen to them talk about their life, and realize how heavenly father has really been preparing them their whole life just for that one moment. 
One of the investigators that we found this week as been a science professor for his whole entire life. We asked him if being a scientist effects his christian beliefs. His response reminded me of the talk that elder nelson gave to us this last conference. He went on and on about science actually proves that god exists. We introduced the book of mormon to him at the end of the lesson, and it really peaked his interest. We also met others that have been experiencing some very hard trials in their lives right now. As we testified of jesus christ and his atonement they were very comforted, and felt like what we had to teach them could really help them.
I am so excited to start this next week! We have so many great follow up lessons. I am sorry I dont have alot of time again today. I have not been getting very lucky with the computer selection. I hope that next week I can get my full time!
Elder barton
ps That is very nice of you to send another package you really dont have to do stuff like that! It was so great to hear your voice ON sunday!
LOve you guys!

Letter #83 Just To Family

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Letter #82

Hello Hello my dear friends!

Conference was amazing! I feel so spiritually charged and ready to go for the next six months until we get the awesome opportunity to watch it again! For some reason conference has taken a whole new meaning on my mission. I think it all started with that awesome experience I had at the beginning on my mission to go and watch it in salt lake. Seeing the prophet and other church leaders first hand really sparked an interest. There were so many questions that I had that were answered! By the end of the first Saturday session, me and both of my companions had tear filled eyes. Such a great experience! There were also many talks that answered questions that our investigators had! Unfortunately none of them except one were able to come and watch conference. But we are looking foreword to sharing those talks with them the next time that we meet up. The one that came was Brother Ye! He is such a stud! He continues to amaze me every single week! This week he went from smoking a pack of cigarettes every day to only smoking 2 per day! It is his goal this week to completely quit smoking! What a great example of obedience. This week he also came in and said, "what’s up man!" In English! I laughed so hard! I just was not expecting that to come out of him I guess. It was also funny because he had his Ipod in, so he said it super loud! He told me that he over heard this phrase said while he was at work and remembered it so that he could say it to us! He is so funny!
This week we were able to help our blind investigator, brother Lin go run a few errands in china town. I had the privilege of holding on to his arm and guiding him through the busy china town streets. As I was doing this, I could not help but think about the relationship between members of the church and our friends. Without guidance from the Gospel and modern day prophets we are blind and alone on the streets of some where like china town. We will hear noises but be forced to use our own judgment to say what they are, how far way they are, and if they are on our right side or our left. It is our purpose as missionaries or as members, to find these people that are lost and confused and help them to where they need to go! I noticed as I led brother lin, he followed me very closely and listened intently to every word that I said to him. When we finished his errands and returned him home he gave me a big hug, and thanked me for my service. I know that those souls that we lead to the Gospel will have the exact same reaction.
The rest of our investigators are doing so good! I am so proud of them! It has been so amazing to see these people applying the things that we are teaching them! Even though a lot of them are leaving for china soon, I know that they will remember! It’s all about the baby steps!
Well I got to get going! We are going to the Bronx Zoo today and I am pretty stoked! It has been a while since I have been face to face with a polar bear so I am pretty excited! 
Elder Barton